Clockwork Rocking Chair, in which User Forms an Integral Part of the Mechanism, Discussing Evolving Relationships Between Technology and its User
Walnut, steel, cast iron
We assume that our tools and machines are designed to fulfill our wants and needs— to solve our problems. But what if machines were built to fulfill the machines’ needs?
I imagine that a machine’s primary need would be a continuous, reliable power source. That would be easy enough for machines that run on electricity; they could simply plug themselves into an outlet. However, a vast majority of machines still run on human power. In search of power, these machines would become parasites, preying on their users.
Here, I redesigned a rocking chair to fulfill the machine’s need for power, rather than the human’s need for comfort. Originally, the rocking chair was one of the most human-centric machines ever designed, since its very form is derived from the human body. Now, however, it’s ergonomic form serves to lure in it’s prey. And, as the human operator rocks in the chair, as system of clockwork slowly reclines the chair and folds in its arms, gradually trapping the operator, ensuring continuous power for the machine.